How Shipping And Fulfillment Can Make Your Customers Smile

Home Fulfillment How Shipping And Fulfillment Can Make Your Customers Smile
How Shipping And Fulfillment Can Make Your Customers Smile

Fulfillment and shipping are very important parts of the e-commerce business process that you have to take care of. If not, this will increase your cost, your customer will run away and damage your business reputation.

What do customers want and how can you meet their demands?

1.  Free shipping

Based on a survey conducted by Deloitte, 88% of the respondents choose ‘Free shipping’ compared to just 12% who prefer ‘Fast shipping’. One of the top reason for abandonment chart is an expensive shipping charge. Thus, you can try to offer free shipping for shoppers who’ve abandoned their carts. Everyone does love free stuff, right?

2.  Fast shipping

What does it mean by ‘Fast’? About 54% of shoppers said two days or less and only 35% consider 3-4 day shipping as ‘Fast’. In fact, they are willing to spend more money to get their products faster. Thus, to follow shoppers behaviour today who want quick delivery, you need to consider to put a fast shipping option on your order system.

3.  Good return policy

No matter how good our products and services, for some reasons, shoppers will return the products. 51% of shoppers prefer not to do business if the return policy seems inconvenient for them because they already feel they might return the product in the early order process.

But don’t worry, you can cut down the returns rate by giving enough product information for them to make decision comfortably before buying a product, having good warehousing and fulfillment system to prevent the product from damage and creating questionnaires to get information and feedback from shoppers to understand them better. If you do this, you could cut down the returns rate by more than 20%.

Now you already know you can make your customers happier by having good fulfillment and delivery system. You can make every purchase order is a memorable experience for your customers. You also can cut more cost and use the money to grow your business!

If you have problems to achieve that, no worries! AllSome is here to help you have excellent warehousing, tracking, fulfillment and delivery system for your products. Now you don’t have to think about logistics anymore, and just let us manage for you.

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